On the 15th (local time), the group was featured on FOX5ŌĆÖs talk show Good Day New York. They participated in a video interview. The team is currently loved for their third mini-album, CRAVITY SEASON 3 HIDEOUT: BE OUR VOICE. The members appeared in casual clothing on the day and updated fans with what theyŌĆÖre up to, ranging from music activities and music video shooting. CRAVITY talked about their new song ŌĆ£My Turn,ŌĆØ saying that itŌĆÖs a story about their relentless race to the top. ŌĆ£We are ready to make 2021 the year of CRAVITY,ŌĆØ they announced with confidence. The boy band also expressed their gratitude towards MONSTA X, mentioning that they have been helping them a lot as mentors from the same company. ŌĆ£MONSTA X is our role model. Jooheon gifted us a song called ŌĆ£JumperŌĆØ for our debut album, and Minhyuk always takes good care of us whenever we appear in the same program,ŌĆØ members confessed. CRAVITY also mentioned how much they miss their fans amidst the pandemic. ŌĆ£We miss our fans even more. We were upset that there was only so much we could do for our fandom. Thank you so much. We will work harder so that our fans feel proud of us,ŌĆØ they said, expressing their affection for fans. ┬Ā Source (1)

CRAVITY Appears on FOX  Good Day New York    and Talks About Their Plans for the Year - 55